Welcome to our website

As a consulting company, EKSPERT-SITR LTD in Koszalin came into being on the 1st of March 1992.


Real Estate Appraisal



We work with research institutions, agricultural advisory centers, experts from various fields.


RES Projects

We carry out projects co-financed from the European Social are called upon.


Environmental protection

We develop such reports on the impact of projects on the environment with particular emphasis on projects related to renewable energy sources.


Technology and construction projects

We develop technology and construction projects in the field of renewable energy sources adapted to the conditions and requirements of the investor and the resources held by him.


About us

As a consulting company, EKSPERT-SITR Spółka z o.o. (limited liability company) in Koszalin came into being on the 1st of March 1992 as a result of transformation of "Okręgowy Ośrodek Rzeczoznawstwa i Doradztwa Rolniczego SITR" (Regional Centre of Expertise and Agricultural Consulting, Polish Association of Agricultural Engineers and Technicians (SITR) ), which had been already on market since 1956.

President of the board - Danuta Jasiakiewicz

Our main activity areas:

  • training and counselling activity in the scope of integration with the European Union,
  • counselling and consulting activity,
  • implementation of works towards local government administration,
  • implementation of works towards environmental protection taking into consideration renewable energy,
  • implementation of works towards rural areas development recommended by Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development),
  • elaborating on publications,
  • designing of wastewater treatment plants, biogas plants and wind farms,
  • appraisals of real estates and devices.

Carrying out statutory aims and assignments of our company is possible thanks to generating excellent contacts and substantive cooperation, and organizational and technical with research and development centres, agricultural advisory centres, educational establishments in Poland. Experts and appraisers from scientific environment and practitioners who confirmed their professional predispositions by national qualifications and references from exclusive technical and scientific environment of NOT association (Polish Federation of Engineering Associations) take part in implementation of our works.

EKSPERT-SITR has partner contacts with public administrative units of different levels, and also extensive practice in cooperation with bodies of local government administration of all levels. In addition, we have many successes in carrying out orders and commercial assignments towards subjects active in the area of agriculture and other branches of economy.

Our company carried out about 3000 professional analyses regarding proposal appraisal, economic and legal expertise, operators of the atmospheric air protection, environmental impact assessments, expertise relating to waste management.

Wykonanie: EKSPERT-SITR Spółka z o.o. 2010-2024